
Indie Music Contest

Indie Music Contest

Welcome to the For The Love Of Bands Indie Music Contest! Vote for your favourite artist below. Please note: you can vote daily, so make sure to come back tomorrow to vote again. If you want to submit an entry, simply click ‘Participate‘ at the navbar above the contest entries. This music competition is open to bands and artists of all genres and your track doesn't have to be (very) new.

Sponsored by Music Gateway and Indie Mammoth.

Winners announcement delayed. Will be announced on May 5 2023!

Indie Music Contest Spring 2023

Running 20 March – 20 April 2023

Sponsors Spring 2023 – $2363 prize pool


First place ($1419) 

Music Gateway 1-year Pro-Unlimited Membership (worth $370) 
Music Gateway Rising Spotify Campaign (worth $599) 
Music Gateway 3 Artist Development Sessions with a renowned Artist Manager (worth $450) 

Second place ($370) 

Music Gateway 1-year Pro-Unlimited Membership


Third place ($325) Indie Mammoth Spotify Growth Campaign Pro

Fourth place ($249) Indie Mammoth Playlisting Campaign 

Fifth place Social Media Campaign on For The Love of Bands’ socials (IG/FB/TikTok/Twitter) 

Send us an email if you want to sponsor next month's contest!

Are you a fan? Cast your vote below for your favourite artist to win this contest. Are you an artist and want to enter this Indie Music contest? Simply click ‘Participate‘ below, add a title (band name, or band name – track title) and add your Video link. Please note that only public video links work.

Participate and Vote

BV / Beste Variante - Lady In Yellow - Indie Music Contest Spring 2023

Lady in Yellow is a melodic and rhythmic song by BV / Beste Variante from Hamburg in English. In the musical style of pop-rock with an amazing guitar solo it sounds warm and familiar and it makes you want to sing along about love, beauty and joy. She’s an elusive lady in yellow with emerald eyes, she breaks our hearts and that's just for starters.

1 Year
Since posted

Finished since 665 days, 19 hours and 21 minutes.

Votes are counted based on IP and the public is allowed to vote once every 24 hours. In case of multiple votes (within 24 hours) via the same IP or use of suspicious IPs, duplicate/spam votes will be deleted before announcing the top 5.

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hey you!



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