All I can say is, quality of life will improve with this song in your playlist. Ghent band, Rhea releases their single, Change and my faith in music is restored, at least for 3:22.
Situated in Ghent, armed with greasy guitars and roaring riffs, pure rock ’n roll: RHEA in a nutshell!
Bratty guitar tones meet jagged and authentic glam rock-era vocals and it all sits neatly atop this driving, pulsating rhythm section. Change has all the makings of a mega pop hit from five maroon-colored guys, but possesses a creativity and ability to sonically go outside the box and take chances where other mega singles fall short; its production is less polished and far less trite. Change is lyrically witty and makes great use of extraneous sounds and some dissidence during its bridge, very refreshing.
This single is genre-spanning and way too tasty to not appeal to a wide audience. For fans of great music.
If I can make it through another week of work, it’ll be because I found this.