
The Dryas June 5th driving indie-pop release Boy personifies the duality of youth

The Dryas

The Dryas have a simple goal. Write one of those great songs that make up the “nostalgic soundtrack for….any young adult in 2020.” Their debut single, Boy, makes a strong case for the bands' ability to do just that.

Their debut single, Boy , is available now and streaming everywhere.

We caught up with the bands bass player Luke Cowie and talked about the trio's latest project.

We’d like to think this song has an element of positivity to it, particularly in the music, that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

– Luke cowie

ftlob: I know the Dryas isn't really your first project together. How long have you actually known each other?

Luke: We became friends when we were about 15-16 (years old). It was actually music that brought us together. We met when we formed that band. I guess we’ve known each other for about 8 years now.

ftlob: Who plays what?

Luke: When we’re recording all three of us are involved…so it's hard to break that down specifically, but when we play live Hudd sings and plays guitar, I play bass guitar/synth bass and Connor plays drums.

You say “Boy” was inspired by struggles with mental health. What would like people to know about that?

Luke: Without trying to use ‘mental health’ as a buzz word. This song talks about Hudd’s battles from his own perspective. What I love most about the lyrics, is that when I first heard them I thought ‘Boy’ was referring to someone else in his life causing him pain, but then I realized ‘Boy’ is in actual fact himself. We’d like to think this song has an element of positivity to it, particularly in the music, that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

yes, things have massively changed for us, but it’s mostly been a positive change. 

– Luke cowie

ftlob: Was Boy recorded before the “lock-downs” started happening? 

Luke: Yeah this song was recorded at the beginning of March, so a few weeks before we got locked down.

ftlob: Did any of that have an effect on your approach to recording/playing together etc. (outside of playing live shows that is)?

Luke: To be honest the lock-down came at a really interesting time for us. Up until a week or so prior, we had all been living together in a shared house. Our tenancy came to an end in mid-March so we all moved into our own places. We were a bit apprehensive at first and worried it would impact our productivity, but with the lock-down, it almost forced us to make it work. So to answer your question, yes, things have massively changed for us, but it’s mostly been a positive change. We've been extremely fortunate that we’ve been able to continue working on our music.

We’ve talked about this a lot, we really enjoy working with Kris. We get on so well professionally and personally.

– luke cowie

ftlob: You self produce, what’s the process, home recording or do you book studio time? Is there one person that kind of takes the lead on that – like fader duties and mixing/mastering or is it all collaborative?

Luke: Hudd takes the lead on this 100%. He comes up with the ideas, writes the lyrics and produces our demos. He’ll show me and Connor ideas in their most basic form and we’ll input some of our ideas before he works on them some more. We then take the ideas to our friend and producer, Kris Harris, who almost acts as like an ideas board for us to bounce off. We will then take the demos into the studio with Kris and re-record some of the parts that need to be done in a studio. Kris mixes all the tracks as well.

ftlob: Is there a studio you prefer to use?

Luke: We don’t have a particular studio that we favour, but we will plug Kris Harris! We’ve talked about this a lot, we really enjoy working with Kris. We get on so well professionally and personally. ‘Boy’ was recorded at one of the studios Kris operates out of, Squarehead Recording Studio in Sittingbourne, Kent.

….we’ve got a lyric video coming out for ‘Boy’ next week and then another single coming out in July.

– luke cowie

ftlob: What in the works next for the Dryas? LPs/EPs, videos?

Luke: We’ve got a fair amount on, to be honest, we’ve got a lyric video coming out for ‘Boy’ next week, and then another single coming out in July. Then we’re going to be heading into the studio at around the same time to record a new EP. We are working on the demos for that as we speak!!

In the meantime we just hope people enjoy listening to ‘Boy’!! If you want to keep an eye out on what we’re up to, you can sign up to our mailing list (don’t worry we won’t spam you). And follow us on social media @thedryas on Instagram and Facebook, @the_dryas on Twitter!

Boys‘ driving indie-pop rhythm personifies the duality of youth.

With its pulse of endless eighth notes seemingly running to and from something at the same time, it's the perfect backdrop for the next coming of age movie. Thought-provoking vocals syncopating themselves effortlessly around a cascade of distorted bass, synths and guitars create the essence of all those who've ever struggled with finding their own voice within themselves….and isn't that what every good soundtrack is for?

My advise to any music supervisors out there looking to fill the void of those establishing shots; look no further. The Dryas have your answer, and it's called Boy.

W. Chris Brown
the authorW. Chris Brown
Reviewer & Playlister
W. Chris Brown (aka reemus, aka cosmicsurivor, aka just plain ol' Chris) is the former bandmate of several projects during his time as a guitarist, singer/songwriter, beat sampler and general what-ever-you need guy. Growing up a U.S. military brat, Chris spent most of his adolescence on the road. He's lived in Japan, Germany, Norway, Honduras, and of course the United States. He has a degree in Film and Media Studies from ASU and founded songs4change - a place for music in 2011.


  • Songs like this can almost drift off too much following a 4/4 beat, and lose the listener, but this isn’t the case at all with “Boy”. There’s plenty of variety in the rhythm and production to keep the listener hooked, but with that driving bass pinning it all together and pushing it forward. Really good stuff, and perfect for a summer playlist.

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