Delhi-born, singer-songwriter Hanita Bhambri, has just released her latest track, ‘Be Patient’, with Universal Music. The self-taught singer studied business but fell in love with music once she discovered that it could elevate her passion for poetry and story-telling. Although she has released several original tracks prior to ‘Be Patient’, this is the first with the label.
Hanita herself describes the song as, “radiating relentless optimism even when things don't go your way” and it is clear through the bright, dreamy keys and relaxed percussion that the track emulates positivity with ease. Her beautifully angelic voice is highlighted amongst the simple instrumentation, and soothing lyrics, clear high notes and a sprinkle of decorative trills, make evident that her delicate vocals are well-refined. ‘Be Patient’ depicts a narrative journey, with a soft beginning, an alteration in the middle and an uplifting end. Each part flows gently from one to the next with subtle added rhythm and backing vocal elements, creating a song to fall in love with.
Hanita Bhambri is a story-teller, using her music to expose a delightful combination of melancholic yet optimistic narratives that clear your mind like a breath of fresh air.
This is nice
Awesome voice