

Indie Music Contest

The April 2020 edition of the Indie Music Contest ended on April 30th and was awesome! A staggering 18,267 votes were cast and 267 artists competed for their share of the insane $2461 prize pool. Thanks to all artist submitting their music video and thanks to all fans, family, friends who voted for their favourite(s). The results are in!

The final top 20 was the starting point for Music Gateway and For The Love Of Bands to both pick their favourite two. After careful review and consideration, we managed to pick two amazing artists.

Alessia Labate – OMG

Alessia Labata's song OMG is the winner of this April contest. Find more info about this song below, as well as an embed of her winning song.

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“OMG” is a Pop personified; lighthearted, uptempo and fun being crafted with love and care in Bucharest by Vladimir Chopsticks, Alessia and Iova. “Its [OMG] gritty bass line, snarky ad-libs and infectious energy” won’t leave you still; releasing it in full Lockdown is Alessia’s way to show we can still make something out of boredom and have fun with it, no matter the situation. The music video, dropping alongside the track on Youtube, is the result of a remote team effort. Shot by the talented Jacopo Musolino, directed by Walter Coppola (remotely) and Alessia herself and edited by Megan Stancanelli, the video will display many characters played by Alessia in a homemade household delirium, and a 2.0 remote party. Shot with an iPhone 8 plus and lots of enthusiasm, the main focus will be fashion and the healing power of taking care of ourselves

First place ($1754)

Music Gateway Game Changer Account (Sync & Music Licencing) worth £300
Music Gateway 3 Week Spotify Campaign (worth £500)
Music Gateway Artist Development Programme (worth £600)

Jordan Paul – Rain

Jordan Paul's song Rain finished second. Find more info about the song, as well as an embed, below.

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“It’s about the black dog we all face,” he says of the year’s sophomore single. “It’s about the darkness and suffering that overcomes us throughout life, creating the contrast through which we are able to appreciate the light.” ! ! Paul’s oft-layered lyricism — including last month’s release, “Night Moon” and its symbolic inspiration from English poet William Blake’s late 18th century works, including The Four Zoas — is pointedly laid bare in “Rain,” further emphasizing the singer/songwriter’s sentiments. “Rain brings about a downpour, but also a rebirth and regeneration,” he shares. “The storm is necessary for the calm and clear on the other side to exist.”! ! “Without dark, there is no light.”

Second place ($375)

Music Gateway Game Changer Account (Sync & Music Licencing) worth £300

Jack Alzheimer – Mi Nombre Es Jack

Jack Alzheimer's song Mi Nombre Es Jack finished third. Noticable is the amount of votes: 3960! How is Jack Alzheimer life? Check it out watching whole video

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How is Jack Alzheimer life? Check it out watching the video below.

Third place ($50)

50 SubmitHub credits

Fourth place ($25)

Tolani – Live

25 SubmitHub credits

This song was created in Lagos, Nigeria to capture what an Afrobeat live performance at the Fela Kalakuta shrine would sound like. We recorded tons of vocals to replicate female back up chants and it was a super fun track to produce.

Fifth place ($10)

Desert Bloom – Shut Up: It’s Showtime!

10 SubmitHub credits

This single was written during September 2019 and was Desert Bloom’s second published release.

Thanks to Indie Music Contest April 2020 sponsors Music Gateway and SubmitHub

Indie Music Contest - Music Gateway
Indie Music Contest - SubmitHub

Artists will be contacted via email about how to claim their prize.

We'll take a one-month break and will be back with a new Indie Music Contest on June 1!

Roel Wensink
the authorRoel Wensink
Roel started ForTheLoveOfBands to provide bands and artists with a platform to get their music heard and provide tips gathered along the way. Being a musician himself, he knows how hard it is and how much time it takes to promote your newly recorded gems.


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